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Cash Express - Pawn Shop

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Tuesday, February 28 2017
Selling Gold Made Easy

    Do you have a stash of gold jewelry that’s collecting dust in your bedroom?  Maybe you have a pile of gold earrings that your great-grandmother gave you decades ago that you’ll never wear but can’t seem to part with.  Some people find out that they’ve been left an inheritance of gold jewelry that simply doesn’t appeal to them, but they have no idea what to do with it, instead.  At Cash Express, we can help you take the guess-work out of pawning your gold, and we ensure that you come to our store feeling confident about your wares.

    One of the best tips for those just getting started with gold pawning is to do a little bit of research.  There are tons of great websites and blogs out there that can get you acquainted with how gold is assessed and how a pawn shop owner goes about his decision to either take it or scrap it.  Not all gold is worth the same amount of money, and it might take you a little while to become more familiar with how selling it works.  If you’re interested in pawing your gold, you shouldn’t be put off by lack of knowledge.  Even with just a couple extra minutes a day, you can learn a little bit more about how it all works.

    When it comes to pawning your gold there are a few basic tips to help get you started.  First- call around.  You might find that the pawn shop down the street is willing to offer you ten dollars more per karat than the other shop around the corner.  While most of the current rates are the same, it still up to the discretion of the shop owner to charge whatever price he deems reasonable for a particular piece.  If you don’t feel good about your transaction, then follow your instincts and take your business elsewhere.  At Cash Express, we are always ready to offer fair pricing on our gold exchanges, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you feel good about the process.

    If you still feel like you need to learn a bit more before taking the plunge in either selling or buying, then stop in and see what Cash Express has to offer in terms of advice.  Each of our store associates is happy to help discuss the pawning process with you and make sure that you’re comfortable with the transaction.


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Monday, February 20 2017
Clearing Misconceptions

    When it comes to pawn shops, most people have a tainted perception.  For many, they think that pawn shops resemble the seedy establishments that are glamorized on bad television shows.  What’s interesting is that while this image might have been accurate many years ago, it is no longer consistent with most of the changes that have occurred over the last decade.  Nowadays, it’s more common to find a pawn shop that is decked out with as much aesthetic appeal as a retail store in the shopping mall.  Shop owners realize that their customers want an appealing environment to shop inside, so that do whatever they can to satisfy the demands for a clean and comfortable space.

    If you’re wondering about the misconceptions about pawn shops, there are many.  Aside from the idea that pawn shops are dark and dingy places that only unsavory characters hang out in, there is also the tainted idea that pawn shops are also dangerous.  While it’s true that not all pawn shops were the safest places to shop in many years ago, most places these days have cleaned up their acts so that customers can feel more comfortable with their shopping experience.  

    At Cash Express, we are always ready to help you fell both welcome and at ease in our store.  We have a wide range of gold and antiques for your browsing and purchasing pleasure.  Each of our store associates has extensive knowledge about gold and about different types of jewelry, as well.  We always take the time to make you feel informed and empowered about your decision.  We know that you want to get your money’s worth, and we’ll do what we can to make that happen.

While it’s true that some pawn shops of yesteryear employed some less than honest individuals, nowadays it’s more likely that you’ll run into an honest, up-front store owner.  At Cash Express, you never have to worry about being taken advantage of.  Our pawn shop is well-lit, clean and properly maintained so that you can shop with ease and comfort.  The next time you’re in the Philadelphia are and you want to shop in a store with both style and distinction, check out Cash Express.  We can guarantee that you’ll be made to feel right at home.  We’ll do whatever we can to address questions that you might have, and we’ll always try our hardest to watch you leave with a smile.


Posted by: AT 10:56 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, February 17 2017
Gold for Less

    If you haven’t shopped for gold in the past, then you might be surprised to find out why it’s such a commodity.  Many people value gold for its aesthetic appeal, and many people like it because they can always work out a trade for cash.  If you are new to selling gold, or if you just want to find out more about how it works, then Cash Express can help you along the process.  We carry a wide range of gold and jewelry for the Philadelphia are and we are always happy to see if you’ve got something that we can use on your shop.

    As you’ll find out from a little research, not all gold is valued the same.  There are a few facts to consider, such as karat and weight.  At Cash Express, we can help you understand the ins and outs of buying and selling gold so that you have a clear understanding of how it all works.  Many people have never come to our shop before, and it’s an eye-opening experience to stop in and see all of the unique gold pieces that we carry.

    At Cash Express, we value both your time and your money.  You can rest assured that our sales associates will give you honest answers to all of your questions.  They truly enjoy what they do, and if you ever want to find out more about a particular piece in our store, they are here to help.  For many people, it can be a little intimidating walking inside an urban pawn shop.  Yet as Cash Express, we go out of our way to make sure that you feel valued and respected in our store.  We’ll never pressure you to buy and we’ll always try to answer whatever questions you might have.

    The next time you’re in the Philadelphia area, stop in and find out why Cash Express is the pawn shop leader for the area.  We carry a wide range of gold pieces at varying prices, so there is always something for everyone.  If you are not sure how to go about buying or selling gold, then we can chat and find out what your specific needs are and then go from there.  It’s always a good idea to do a little outside research before you shop, but even if you just stop bu on a whim, we’ll be sure to help you find something great.


Posted by: AT 10:43 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 06 2017
Why Choose Cash Express?

    If you’ve never stepped foot inside a pawn shop, then it can be difficult to imagine what’s inside.  Many people have conjured up negative associations of pawn shops, simply because they have never been inside one.  If you have never checked one out, then you might be missing some amazing deals.  At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we guarantee that if you step inside and look around, you’ll find something that catches your eye.

    Maybe you want to be sure that you don’t get ripped off.  This seems to be a common concern with people who do not frequently visit pawn shops.  What’s nice about Cash Express is that you will never be taken for a ride.  Our sales associates are both helpful and courteous.  They know that you want to get the most value for your money, and they will do whatever they can to assure that you leave as a satisfied customer.

    If you want a little bit of assistance with your shopping experience, then ask one of our associates to show you around.  We serve a diverse clientele and we do whatever we can to make sure that you have both a fun and a successful shopping experience.  Many people find that we carry some rare and unique finds for a fraction of the cost of expensive retail stores.  If you want to purchase something specific, then ask one of our salespeople to help you and see what they can find.

    At Cash Express we take pride in offering our customers great deals.  We like to offer people a wide variety of both gold and antique jewelry at impressive and reduced prices.  Some people like to look online first to get an idea of what we might charge, but wither way you are sure to find something worth your money if you take a peek at what we’ve got inside.  For most people, it only takes one stop to discover that Cash Express has a lot more than what they originally expected.  If you want to call ahead of time and ask about a particular item, that’s fine too.  We always have someone on the floor who is happy to take a call.  If you’re looking for a birthday gift, or a special trinket for a special occasion, the Cash Express has got you covered.  We carry a wide range of unique items to suit a varied palette of tastes.  


Posted by: AT 10:28 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, January 28 2017
What to Look for in a Pawn Shop

    Have you ever thought about visiting a pawn shop, but felt too turned off by the bad reputation that most pawn shops get?  If so, you might want to re-think your previous ideas.  Pawn shops can actually be amazing treasure troves, places where you can find unexpected items at unbelievable prices.  At Cash Express, we know that it’s important to feel comfortable shopping, so we do our best to create an engaging and shopper-friendly environment.  

    If you’re new to pawn shop browsing, then it might help to go in with a few ideas.  For one, you might want to make sure that you’ve done a little investigating beforehand.  For example, if you know that you’re looking for a gold Rolex from 1987, then you might want to browse online and see what the going prices are for these watches in the present year.  No matter what you’re in the market for, it helps to have an idea of what the going rate is for the particular item in mind.  Doing a little bit of research beforehand will help you get an idea of what to expect at the register when you find the item you’ve been looking for.

    Another tip for the first-time pawn shop browser is to make sure that you put your haggling voice on.  This means that you shouldn’t be afraid to try and bargain with the associates, so long as you do so respectfully.  It might seem a lost art, but the truth is, if you really want to get the best deal for your dollar, then it pays to brush up on your negotiating powers.  You’ll never know what the best deal is that you could have scored unless you try.  The truth is, it’s totally acceptable to bargain at a pawn shop, and most of the shop owners actually expect you to do so.

    At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we offer amazing prices on a variety of excellent condition items.  Our store associates are friendly and they will help you find whatever it is you’re looking for.  If you need to ask some questions before stopping in to browse, then feel free to call the shop before you come.  Customer satisfaction and a fun shopping experience are our goals.  If you’re looking for an item and we don’t currently have it in stock, we encourage you to check back with us because inventory is always changing.


Posted by: AT 02:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, January 19 2017
Gift Ideas from Our Store

    Are you looking for a special gift this winter?  Maybe you want to find a special piece of jewelry for a Valentine’s gift, or perhaps you’re looking for a cool pair of earrings.  We all know that department store shopping can be both exhausting and expensive.  This year, why not opt for a different route when it comes to some of your shopping?  At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we aim to provide our customers with a wide selection of interesting items.  If you have a particular item in mind that isn’t in our store, you can always check back in to see if something comparable has shown up.

    At Cash Express, we specialize in various pieces of jewelry, from watches to earring to necklaces, and more.  When it comes to helping you find that unique gift for a loved one, our sales associates are at the ready and love to be of assistance.  If you want to find a high-end piece of jewelry, then this is the place to be.  We always get new items in stock, so you’re sure to find something that suits your preferences, even if you have to come back a second time to browse.

    Our store is also a great place to visit if you like antiques.  At Cash Express, we are proud to offer our Philadelphia customers a wide selection of antique jewelry.  For those specializing in antique buying, our store is a superb find because we constantly receive new items to place in our cases.  The next time you’re in the area, be sure to stop in and see why we’re the leaders in pawn shop antique jewelry for the Philadelphia area and beyond.  

    If you need to find a gift that will be remembered for years to come, then check out our store for ideas.  We find that many customers stop in to buy one particular item, and end up leaving the store with even more then they intended.  If you’ve never been inside a pawn shop, then Cash Express is definitely worth checking out.  We guarantee that you’ll find something of value that’s worth your money, and that you’ll leave as another satisfied customer.


Posted by: AT 02:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, January 10 2017
Benefits of Shopping at Pawn Shops

   If you’re a savvy shopper, then chances are you like to find the best bargains.  At the same time, you also want to find those special items that might normally be found in department stores or in online catalogs.  Whatever your shopping preferences, at Cash Express we understand that quality does not have to come with an exorbitant price tag.  If you have a special item in mind, then we can help you unearth it.  Shopping at pawn shops has many benefits, and if you have never visited a pawn shop in your area, then now may be the time.

    At Cash Express we value both your time and your money.  If you want to find something special for either yourself or a loved one, then our store associates can help you with the mission.  We strive to make sure that each one of our customers leaves the shop a satisfied and happy visitor.  One of the benefits of shopping at a pawn shop like Cash Express is that you’re almost guaranteed to pay less for the item that you have in mind.  We get many pieces of amazing antique jewelry, for example, that comes in with minimal wear.  In a high-end retail store, you would pay hundreds more for some of the pieces that we carry at mere fractions of the cost.

    Another benefit of shopping at a pawn shop like Cash Express is that you have the chance to find unique jewelry that you might not have found anywhere else.  Even if you aren’t really impressed with antiques, you can still find other kinds of jewelry that are sure to please both you are the person that you are buying for.  At Cash Express, all of our store associates are happy to help you browse and are more than willing to answer any questions that you might have.

    Some people love browsing pawn shops because they can make good offers for items that they might not have found anywhere else.  What’s more, if you have some jewelry or gold of your own that you are ready to part with, you can bring it to our shop and have one of our sales members take a look and tell you what we are willing to buy it for.  The next time you are in Philadelphia and are interested in doing some pawn shop browsing, stop into Cash Express and see why we’re one of the best.


Posted by: AT 02:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 07 2017
Why We Stand Out from the Competition

    Have you ever stepped into a pawn shop?  Maybe you’ve hesitated because of the bad press they’ve received over the years.  It used to be that most people associated pawn shops with greasy old men lurking in the corner and a whole host of shady characters around the corner.  While this image might be the result of urban legend, what’s important to remember is that times have changed and pawn shops are now about as common as grocery stores.  That being said, the pawn shops of today are friendly and inviting places to visit, especially if you’re looking to score a great bargain.

    If you still aren’t totally convinced about what would make a pawn shop inviting enough for a visit, then consider the fact that at Cash Express, we can guarantee low prices on one-of-a-kind items.  One of the reasons that we truly stand out from the competition is because we value our customer satisfaction feedback.  If you need assistance, then a sales associate is right there to answer your question.  You never have to feel lost in your shopping experience because somebody from our team is always ready to jump in and make sure that you have a stellar shopping experience.

    Another reason why we stand out from the other pawn shops in the area is that we have a well-kept interior and a professional ambience.  You won’t find anyone lurking around the jewelry cases like some olden day imagery of pawn shops might suggest.  We take pride in our customer service and we have a vested interest in seeing that you leave our shop a satisfied customer.  We can always offer suggestions if you need them and we’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that you feel comfortable inside our store.  If you’re looking for something in particular, or if you want to do something different than the usual mall shopping that you might be used to, then stop in and visit Cash Express.  You won’t be disappointed.


Posted by: AT 02:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, December 28 2016

Are you in the market for a new gift around the holiday season?  Maybe you want to buy a little something for yourself, or maybe you just want to browse to get a few ideas.  If so, it might be worth a stop inside Cash Express, Philadelphia’s hottest new pawn shop for buyers and sellers alike.  If you’ve never been inside a pawn shop, why not take a step inside Philadelphia’s Cash Express and find out why we’re rapidly becoming one of the best new stops for anyone interested in making a few pawn shop purchases for 2017 and beyond.

At Cash Express of Philadelphia, we carry a wide range of designer bags at a fraction of the cost that you would see in regular department stores.  Some of the bags we carry include Prada and Coach.  Every woman knows that these bags retail for hundreds of dollars on other stores.  At Cash Express, we can help you find a designer bag that makes you feel confident and stylish.  Our sales team is always ready to assist you with a recommendation or with a helpful tip.  Stop in today and find out why Cash Express is the new leader in pawn shops for Philadelphia and the surrounding area.

Maybe you’re on the hunt for a designer bag that you can gift to a friend, or maybe you need to find a bag to replace one of yours that is on the fritz.  Whatever your unique situation, we’ve got what it takes to leave you feeling like you’re ready to look your best.  At Cash Express, we have a wide range of incredibly priced items to choose from.  Maybe you’re already finished with holiday shopping.  If so, you can still stop in and browse for birthday gifts or for other special occasions. 

Our friendly staff is ready to help you choose the perfect designer bag for you or a loved one.  Stop in today and see why Cash Express is one of the best options in the Philadelphia area for fantastic pawn shop finds.  If you need something special in a hurry, we can help you unearth the perfect gift.  Quality pawn shops are diamonds in the rough.  At Cash Express, we offer you a safe and happy shopping experience that leaves you satisfied and stylish.  Stop in today and find out why we’re the perfect shop for all of your designer brand needs.


Posted by: Cash Express AT 04:26 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, December 21 2016

Have you come across some old jewelry in your house?  Maybe your great aunt left you some gold earrings years ago, but they just aren’t quite your style.  If you’re looking to get some gold off your hands, then Philadelphia’s own Cash Express is your one-stop pawn shop to make it happen.  We handle a wide range of gold inside our shop and we can help you lighten your load whole turning your trades in cold, hard cash.  What better way to ring in the new year than with a successful pawn experience?

At Cash Express we can help you get some of that unused gold off your hands and turn it into valuable cash.  Most people will tell you that only a certified jeweler can tell you the actual value of different items.  While this may be true, there are still some time-tested ways for you to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth when you leave our pawn shop.  Gold is truly the best option for pawning, and at Cash Express you can rest assured that you’ll be paid out the going rate for your wares.  Most pawn ships pay a percentage of what’s known as “Scrap price: for gold.  It’s always a good idea to research your items before bringing them to the shop; however, because some items are worth more than others and you want to be sure that you receive a fair rate for your piece.

Since gold is based on karats, as well as weight, you’ll find that we measure in what are known as Troy ounces.  A Troy pounce is equivalent to 31 grams, so if you place your item on the scale and it reads in grams then divide by 31, you’ll be able to see exactly how much your item is worth in Troy ounces.  At Cash Express, each of our team members is experienced at buying and selling gold, so we can help you make sure that you leave with the amount of cash that you’re expecting. 

You’ll also want to look up the value of the particular type of gold that you bring in.  This is easy to accomplish with Google.  An example might be a 24-karat gold ring that is currently priced at $400 an ounce.  If your ring weighs a half-ounce, then it would essentially be worth almost $200.  Each pawn shop is different in terms of what percentage you’ll receive from the total, so give us a call to find out the specifics.

Posted by: Cash Express AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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Cash Express  • Philadelphia Pawn Shop

731 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 -  (215) 922-1560