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Saturday, June 22 2024
The Role of Pawn Shops in the Diamond and Gold Industry


Different pawn shops may sell various items, but you will be hard-pressed to find any that don’t work with gold and diamonds. Their dealings with precious gems and metals have made them valuable to the fine jewelry industry. Read on to learn about their role in helping people connect with the luxury items they desire.

A Pawn Shop’s Role in the Gold and Diamond Industry

Connecting Buyers with Fine Jewelry

Diamonds and gold are expensive. These fine jewelry items may be out of reach for many people. A pawn shop makes them more accessible.

Pawn shops sell fine jewelry at a fraction of the cost of new items. They are discounted because they have been worn and may not come in their original boxes, but often, they are just as lovely as they were when they were new. Some jewelry may have minor signs of damage, but they can be melted down or recut for their beauty and value.

Lowers Environmental Impact

Gold and diamonds are lovely, but their manufacturing methods are bad for the environment. Both products are mined. Mining can contaminate water and land and pose a danger to workers.

Pawn shops encourage the reuse of gold and diamonds. They can be recut, repolished, and set into new jewelry items. Diamonds can also be used in industrial applications. Their reuse lowers environmental impact.

Stimulates the Economy

Pawn shops give people an opportunity to make money off their fine jewelry. People can bring in their items to sell or loan. Doing so helps them get out of a financial rut.

Selling jewelry is a straightforward process. Loans are a bit more complicated, but they allow you to get money for your fine jewelry without saying goodbye to it forever.

With a loan, you bring your jewelry to the pawn shop. The salesperson will appraise it and offer you a loan. If you accept the loan, you can leave with cash in hand.

You must repay the loan. Once you do, your jewelry will be returned to you. The pawn shop will keep your jewelry if you cannot pay the loan. But the unpaid amount will never go into collections or damage your credit.

An Authentic Buying Opportunity

Some people are wary of buying diamonds and gold at a pawn shop because they feel it may be stolen or inauthentic. Pawn shops are often targeted as places where thieves and con men sell stolen or subpar goods.

However, this is exactly why pawn shops have redoubled their efforts. They know what to look for when buying goods. The shops go out of their way to ensure their stock is real and aboveboard.

Cash Express is Your Destination for Affordable Diamond and Gold Jewelry

Cash Express is a pawn shop you can trust. We sell high-end gold jewelry at a fraction of the cost. We offer reasonable evaluations and fair loan terms. We do our part to lower environmental impact and stimulate the economy.

Contact us for all your fine jewelry needs.

Posted by: AT 05:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 13 2024
The Importance of Pawn Shop Security and Safety Measures


Security and safety are crucial in a pawn shop environment. These shops carry valuable goods, so they are popular targets for thieves. Additionally, many people try to sell stolen or knockoff items. The staff must be extremely vigilant.

Cash Express understands the importance of security and safety. We ensure our customers and staff are safe. Read on to learn why you should always shop at pawn shops that prioritize safety.

Keeping Our Customers Safe

Most break-ins occur when shops are closed, but you never know when someone will try to pull off a robbery during the day. In these situations, we know how important it is to keep our customers and staff safe. Our in-shop security and emergency systems are here to discourage any unlawful activity.

Keeping Our Items Safe

Our shop is filled with valuable items, many of which are on loan from customers. Although we are insured, we never want customers to go through the hassle and heartbreak of losing a valuable item. Our security measures ensure your goods will be protected.

What We Do to Keep Our Shop Safe

·  Train Our Staff: Our staff is trained to detect suspicious behavior and alert authorities when something goes wrong. We foster a culture of awareness in our shop.

·  On-Site Security: We employ trained security guards who know how to handle emergencies. They are equipped with the tools to deal with criminals. They also prevent crimes from occurring.

·  Surveillance Systems: Our surveillance systems monitor our shop for suspicious behavior. They discourage criminals and alert management so they can stop thieves in their tracks. If a crime occurs, they capture footage increasing the chances that the thieves will be apprehended, and the goods will be returned.

·  Alarms and Panic Alarms: Alarms are a useful pawn shop security feature. They alert management and security when suspicious behavior is detected. When thieves hear alarms go off, they often flee from the scene.

·  Inventory Management: Inventory management does more than help us keep track of inventory. It makes us aware of theft incidents. We can use the information to detect theft and minimize shoplifting.

·  Customer Safety Measures: Customers can feel safe when shopping in our store thanks to our well-lit external areas, in-shop security, and security system signage.

·  Collaborating with Law Enforcement: We have strong ties with local law enforcement. We communicate with officials about threats and criminal activities to maintain a safe environment in our neighborhood.

·  Engaging with the Community: We engage with the community by helping with various events and causes. We look out for them, and they look out for us.

·  Updates and Audits: We constantly update and audit our security system to see how we can make it better. Our cutting-edge solutions keep customers safe.

Cash Express Keeps Makes Safety and Security and Priority

Cash Express wants our customers to feel good about shopping in our store. We offer great deals, fair loans, and an extensive selection of quality goods. Our friendly staff goes out of its way to keep our customers safe.

Contact us for the best prices and rates on high-end goods and a safe shopping experience.

Posted by: AT 05:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 21 2024
Selling vs. Pawning: A Guide for 2024


If you have a valuable item in your home and need cash, you may turn to a pawn shop to relieve your financial difficulties. Pawn shops offer two options to help you get out of a cash crunch- selling and pawning. Read on to learn what’s involved in each process.

Selling Your Item to a Pawn Shop

Selling is a straightforward process. Simply bring your item into the pawn shop. The salesperson will assess it and make you an offer. If you are happy with the offer, you can leave with cash in hand. The shop will keep the item and sell it to an interested party.

Pawning Your Item

Pawning is a loan process that allows you to get cash for your item without saying goodbye to it forever. Here’s how it works.

1.    Bring in your item. The salesperson will assess it and offer a loan equal to a percentage of the item’s value.

2.    If you are happy with the offer, you may accept the loan. You will then begin making monthly payments to pay off the loan plus interest.

3.    Once the loan is paid off, you will get your item back. If you cannot repay your loan, the pawn shop will keep your item, but the unpaid amount will not go into collections or damage your credit.

Getting Prepared for the Selling or Pawning Process

·  Research Your Item’s Value: Search relevant resources and seller sites to determine what your item is worth. Doing so will let you know if you are getting a fair offer on your item.

·  Clean Your Item: Your item’s condition will factor into the offer you receive. If your item is in good condition, you will get a better offer. Clean your item and make small repairs to ensure the highest possible valuation.

·  Research Local Pawn Shops: Research pawn shops in your area to determine which ones offer fair pricing and have a reputation for serving their communities. If you plan to pawn your item, find out about their loan terms.

·  Prove Your Item’s Authenticity, If Possible: If you are bringing in a designer item, bring certificates and other documents that prove its authenticity. Original receipts can also be helpful.

Should I Pawn or Sell My Item?

There are various factors to consider when deciding to pawn or sell your item. For example, if you don’t want to part with your item because it has sentimental value, pawning may be your best option. However, pawning also means you will have to pay off your loan with interest to get your item back.

Cash Express is Your Philadelphia Destination for Pawning or Selling

Cash Express can help you pawn or sell your item. We offer fair pricing, reasonable loan terms, and friendly service. We buy and sell various items to provide a wide selection for the community.

Contact us to learn more about our pawning and selling process. We will help you get through your financial rut.

Posted by: AT 06:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 09 2024
Do Pawn Shops Buy and Sell Comic Book Collections?

Pawn shops are known for selling various valuable items for a fraction of the cost. They also purchase and offer loans for items so you can get out of a cash crunch. But do they buy and sell comic books?

The answer is yes, some pawn shops will buy and sell comic books. However, it’s important to research to get the best experience possible. Read on to learn more about the process.

Comic Book Pricing

Do some research to determine how much you can expect to make from your comic book sale or loan, or how much you should be paying for a comic book.  Comics Price Guide will give you some indication of what your comic book is worth. You can also look at seller sites like eBay to see what comic books are going for.

Several factors determine a comic book’s price as follows:

·  Rarity and Demand: A comic book with a low print run is rarer and will typically sell for more.

·  Age: Older comic books are usually more expensive. The most collectible editions came out between 1938 and 1979.

·  Type: Superhero comics are usually the most valuable. First origin and first appearance issues are especially sought after.

·  Art: Original comic book art will make the item more valuable.

Consider the Condition

The condition will also factor into the price you buy or sell your comic book for. Comics that are in mint condition will sell at a higher price point. If your comic book is ripped or torn, the pawn shop may not buy it.

Shop Around

Some pawn shops offer better pricing than others. Shop around to determine who will buy your comic book for the most money, and who will sell it at the most affordable prices.

Pawn shops are typically prepared to haggle with customers, so use your negotiating skills to get the best prices. Tell them you are shopping around for the best rates so they will be more likely to make a deal.

Pounding the pavement to find the best pawn shop can be difficult. You can also check online reviews to find out about pricing. The reviews will also give you an idea of the level of service you can expect from the shop.

Make Sure the Pawn Shop Accepts Comics

Some pawn shops accept comics, but not all of them do. Call in advance to ensure the shop you are going to buys or sells comics, so you don’t waste your time.

Sell Your Comic Book at Cash Express Pawn

Cash Express Pawn is the best place to sell your comic book in Philadelphia, PA. We offer great prices and friendly service. We also have great deals on sales and loans.

Our friendly and knowledgeable salespeople are ready to assist you. We will help you find affordable items you always dreamed of owning. We also specialize in jewelry, watches, and other high-end pieces.

Contact us to get a great deal on comic books and more. 

Posted by: AT 06:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 18 2024
Pawn Shop Fashion Finds: How to Score Unique and Affordable Accessories


Many of us dream of owning high-end fashion accessories. Luxury watches, precious rings, gleaming necklaces, and other jewelry items are some of the fashionable pieces we dream of owning but may be unable to afford. Pawn shops offer gently used goods that bring these items within reach.

There are a few strategies to use when shopping that ensure you find the best deals on luxury items. Here are a few to be aware of.

Do Your Research

Research in advance to learn what items are worth. Get prepared so you know what constitutes fair pricing.

Shop Around

Some pawn shops may offer better prices than others. Shop around to find a pawn shop that provides fair pricing on the goods you have your eye on.

Ensure Your Item is Authentic

Licensed pawn shops understand the importance of buying and selling authentic items. However, there is always a chance that an item got under the radar.

When researching an item, find out the best way to determine its authenticity. For example, authentic items may have specific engravings and other characteristics.

Receipts and certificates of authenticity will also tell you if an item is real.

Consider the Condition of the Item

A pawn shop should never charge full retail value for a used item. The reduction from the full price will depend on the item’s condition. An item with signs of damage should be greatly reduced from its retail price.

The shop should fairly mark down the price considering the extent of damage. Ensure the item you’re buying is worth it. Don’t pay good money for something that doesn’t function properly or look its best.

Be Prepared to Negotiate

Most pawn shops are prepared for shoppers to negotiate. They may even mark up an item a bit to account for negotiations.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when negotiating:

·  Use Your Knowledge: Your research will help determine an item’s value, so you have a fair price in mind.

·  Be Respectful: Be respectful throughout the negotiation process to ensure you get a better deal. If you get upset or argumentative, the representative may be less likely to work with you.

·  Make a Fair Offer: You may pay more than your original offer, but your starting point should be fair and realistic. It will show the dealer that you know what you are doing and prevent them from getting upset if they feel you are trying to rip them off.

Shop at Locations You Trust

Reputable locations tend to offer fair prices and quality goods. Check out shops in your area to find ones with good reviews and a history of trusted service in your community. Consider their selection and the condition of the items they sell.

Cash Express is a pawn shop you can trust. We strive to provide luxury pieces at fair price points. We offer friendly, knowledgeable service.

Contact us for great deals on the items you dreamed of owning.

Posted by: AT 04:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 07 2024
Community Cornerstones: How Pawn Shops Support Local Economies and Communities


People have varying opinions of pawn shops, but most are aboveboard businesses that support their local economies and communities. They provide jobs, allow people to purchase items at a discount, and even offer loans. Read on to learn how they can be an asset to your neighborhood.

How Pawn Shops Support Local Communities

Pawn Shops Sell Discount Items

A pawn shop buys used items from sellers and sells them at discount prices. They allow people to profit from their items and purchase goods for less. Individuals with budgetary limitations can attain the items they need at a fraction of the cost.

Pawn Shops Offer Loans

Pawn shops also offer collateral loans. People bring in items in return for a cash loan. They repay the loan over time with interest. If they cannot repay the loan, the store keeps the item, but the unpaid amount will never reflect poorly on the individual’s credit report.

The system allows people with poor credit to secure loans without facing steep default penalties.

Creates Jobs

Like any business, pawn shops create jobs. They hire people to help in the shop. They also support other businesses so their employees can thrive.

Supports Other Businesses

Pawn shops can support other businesses in the area. They can help create a thriving shopping hub that becomes a neighborhood and tourist attraction. They may also rely on nearby businesses for deliveries, supplies, and food.

Pays Taxes

Pawn shops pay taxes that support the local community. They help fund police and fire services, education and health services, libraries, road maintenance, and other projects and programs.

Work With a Trusted Pawn Shop

Not all pawn shops are created equal. Ensure you are working with a pawn shop that supports your community by looking for the following characteristics.

·  Fair Loans: A trusted pawn shop will offer fair loans with reasonable interest rates and minimal fees.

·  Competitive Prices: Pawn shops should pay sellers fair prices for their items and sell them at competitive prices considering their retail value and condition.

·  Reviews and Recommendation: Check out a pawn shop’s online reviews to ensure they are reputable. Ask friends and relatives for pawn shop recommendations to find a business you are satisfied with.

·  Consider Reputation: Pawn shops that have been in business for a while will have developed a reputation for serving their community. The business should also have low staff turnover and management.

·  Licensing: A licensed pawn shop will abide by local laws and regulations. Customers will be protected from unfair business practices.

·  Insured: An insured pawn shop will reimburse you for items in their possession. It protects items that may become stolen or damaged.

Choose Cash Express

Cash Express is a trusted Philadelphia, PA pawn shop. Our expertise in antiques, diamonds, and precious metals ensures we offer and charge fair prices. We also provide cash loans for valuable items.

We are known for our friendly service. We help the community by offering low-cost upscale goods at affordable prices. We keep the economy moving.

Contact us to learn more about our terrific selection.

Posted by: AT 04:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 29 2024
How Much Do Pawn Shops Pay for Power Tools


Every year, more power tools appear that are specific to a season. Over time, some of those pieces of equipment drift into a corner unused. You could make money on them, but how much do pawn shops pay for power tools? 

Why do Pawnshops Buy Tools?

To understand how you may make money from your power tools, it helps to understand why pawnshops buy them in the first place. Remember that consumers always seek a dependable item at a reasonable price. With tools in high demand, pawnbrokers can sell durable, tested tools quickly. So it’s a win-win.

What do Pawn Shops Buy?

At Cash Express, we keep our eyes open for power instruments that are in good condition. This means the item works. Examples include:

  • Air guns

  • Cordless items

  • Pneumatic tools

  • Name brand pieces 

  • Sanders

  • Saws

  • Nail guns

  • Wrenches

  • Snap-on tools

And many more!

Power Tools: Final Pawn Value

When you bring a piece to our shop, we will give you an appraisal. How much we can pay depends heavily on the market. If it’s spring, you’re likely to get less for a snowblower than winter when people want to buy. So, sell your tools when they are in season. There are other considerations as well. 

The Impact of Branding

How much do pawn shops pay for power tools? It depends. There are brands in the world of tools that people respect for their durability and craftsmanship. Black & Decker, Bosch, Craftsman, Dewait, Stanly, Irwin, and Husky all have a solid following, and most hold their value for sales. At Cash Express, we often can’t keep these items in stock because they sell so fast.

What sets some companies apart from others? Sometimes preference, and other times reputation. Bosch Power Tools are great performers on which you can rely, for example. DeWalt products have long battery lives. 


Take the time to clean off and inspect your tools. A little shine goes a long way. Dust them off, make sure things are running as they should, and charge them up. The poorer the toot’s condition, the less you can get for it. 

Choosing Between Power Tools

Which item you choose to sell may depend on how much money you need. A table saw, for example, might yield $1,000, while your cordless drill will be under $200. It’s a good idea to do some research before selling. Know the value of your item so you have better grounds for negotiation. 

Ready to Sell? Come to Cash Express

Cash Express is a highly regarded broker in Philadelphia when you need quick cash. You can sell your tools outright or pawn them for a short-term loan. Our trained personnel will answer your questions so you fully understand your transaction. 

If you’d like to find out more, including whether we are looking to buy the tools you want to sell, you can use our online contact form. Even if we don’t want it right now, it’s possible to consider it again at a later date. 

You can also email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560

Posted by: AT 05:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 14 2024
5 Highest Priced Items in a Pawn Shop

If you’re looking to pawn or sell, you may wonder what the 5 highest prices items are in a pawnshop. You’ve started looking through your things, and want to get as much as possible from your translation. To begin, there’s a basic rule we use in Cash Express: The greater the demand, the greater your return. Of course, the item itself must be evaluated for its retail value, too. 

Pawn or Buy?

Both pawning and buying get you quick cash. However, the foundation of the transaction is different. If you sell the item, it’s just like any other sale. But if you pawn your item, you get a percentage of its value and must pay back that money by a specific time.

We mention this because you could lose an item if you default on your pawn loan. With high-end items, that loss could be substantive. Similarly, even high-priced items at a pawn shop can have sentimental value. If you’re going to have regrets, pause and really think about this decision.

5 Highest Price Items in a Pawn Shop

The five highest-priced items in a pawn shop depend heavily on the storefront itself. Some stores specialize in things like antiques, for example. So, if you’ve got quality power tools, this probably isn’t the place to start. A little research into nearby stores will save you a ton of time.

If we take a broad overview of pawnshops, some trends appear in high-priced items, particularly those with provenance. 


  1. Jewelry. Quality jewelry, rare pieces, and items heavy in precious gems or metals are likely to have a price tag that takes your breath away. Included in this category are pins, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, filigree, statement pieces, and watches. One of the great things about jewelry is that distinct pieces rarely lose value, particularly if the item is in excellent condition. 

  2. Gems: Gems outside of jewelry also have significant value. They are like the jewelry category in maintaining value. Some of the most precious stones in the world include


  • Alexandrite

  • Black opal

  • Emerald

  • Jadeite 

  • Pearl

  • Red Beryl 

  • Red, pink, or blue diamonds

  • Ruby

  • Sapphire

  • Tanzanite

The only problem for pawnshop owners is that high-priced items take longer to sell unless they have a specific focus market.

  1. Firearms: Among the high-priced items in a pawnshop you will find firearms. Several types are highly collectible, including rare and limited edition guns. 

  2. Vehicles: Boats, collectors of cars (Ferrari), trucks (Hummer), antique bikes (Schwinn Great Ghost,) mountain bikes (Canyon line) - these all are of interest to pawn shops, provided they have room. 

  3. Rare Coins: Do you have a coin collection? Perhaps a jar full of change? Some of those coins could be valuable. Coins are usually made from precious metals, and some have historical value (or they are rare). 

Check-in With Cash Express

Whether you’re buying or selling, we can help you with high-priced items. If you’re shopping, you’ll find reasonable prices. We are experts in antiques, diamonds, jewelry, watches, and much more. 

You can use our online contact form, email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560


Posted by: AT 04:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 26 2024
The Rise of Online Pawn Shops: Pros and Cons


We live in a society where you have lots of buying and selling options. There’s a store, a trade market, Facebook, and Craigslist. The question for many is about the stability of the E-universe exchange. Let’s look at the rise of online pawn shops: pros and cons. 


Pawn shops have come a long way from the seedy reputation they once held. There are numerous dependable pawn shops around the country, like Cash Express, with bright, approachable show floors and well-trained personnel. But not everyone wants to head to a storefront; some people can’t. 

The solution is surveying online pawn shops where, with a click of your phone, you can get a reply. You’ll know fairly quickly if the shop is interested in your item. If not, you haven’t driven around town hoping to find the right outlet

Online Pawn Shops: How They Work

As you might imagine, selling online is a little different from a face-to-face meeting. 

Selling to an Online Pawn Shop

The process begins by reaching out to the company. They will request clear images of the items you wish to sell. You’ll also need to provide detailed (did we mention DETAILED) descriptions of the item.

If you have any paperwork (provenance) that goes with it, take photographs of that, too. It proves ownership and, with more valuable pieces, history. At this point, the merchant provides an initial assessment, with final details to follow.

Next is where some people become uncomfortable. You have to mail in your goods for inspection and evaluation. The shop often pays for shipping and has insurance protecting your assets. They will then do a thorough evaluation and get back to you. 

There will be an offer, terms, conditions, and a contract detailing the amount. Now, just because it’s an online store doesn’t mean you can’t haggle. If you disagree with the amount, explain why. Once you’ve reached a final agreement and completed an electronic contract, you will receive your money through an accredited banking source.

But for the shipping, the process goes by quickly. Note that not all online pawnshops offer collateral for cash transactions. Sometimes, they’re only interested in selling, then re-selling. 

Buying at an Online Pawn Shop

The first thing you want to do before buying online is check to see if the place is reputable. Do they have any certifications? How do they back up the condition of their goods (and the value)? Are there 30-day warranties? 

Now the hard part, looking through the merchandise. You cannot see goods online the same way you can in person. If you are very interested in something, email and ask for more images if they haven’t already been supplied on the website. Compare the prices offered to similar retail products.

Should you decide to buy, there’s always the chance someone purchased it outright before you made an offer. If so, time to look at other possibilities. Once you’ve found what you want, get all the details on how mailing goes through. It should be traceable and fully insured. Again, this process takes more time than in-store shopping. 

Cash Express vs. Online Pawn Shops

First, just because a pawn shop is online doesn’t mean it has far more choices (let alone quality ones). If you look at the Cash Express gallery, it’s easy to see the diversity we offer. Second, when you are working with a brick-and-mortar business, you have someplace to return to, be it with questions, concerns, or as a repeat customer. 

If you’re looking to pawn, we are the top location in Philadelphia for quick cash. You do not have to wait to mail your item, get the appraisal, etc. Everything can happen in one day. If you’re looking to buy, you can experience everything hands-on, including jewelry and other items, one of which is sure to fit your budget. You walk out with your treasure!

To learn more you can reach out in three ways:

Our online contact form 

By email:,

or call our office at 215-922-1560

Better still, come for a visit: 731 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Posted by: AT 04:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, February 11 2024
Antique Hunting in Pawn Shops: Tips for Collectors


When you have some free time, window shopping at pawn shops can be fun. The diversity of items and how many catch your eye is astounding. You may even look at something you never thought was remotely valuable and gasp at the price tag. When you’re looking for unique items, try antique hunting in pawn shops: tips for collectors. Use the same tools as the pros!

Step One: What to Collect?

Maybe even back up one step further, “Why collect?” Sometimes, collections are unintentional (like someone mentioning they like elephants and friends start buying them). Other times, a person has an interest in one genre and sticks with that. And other folks still like to have a variety of intriguing items in their showcases.

What sort of things seem to hold their value and never go out of fashion?


  • Books, specifically first editions: A popular writer, a fantastic cover, and excellent condition. All these contribute to a book’s value. 

  • China sets & pieces: China becomes valuable, in part, because of its fragile nature. One oops, and you could lose thousands of dollars. The good news is sometimes the one-off item is favored over the whole collection.

  • Coins: Antique coins have a large following. The older, the better condition and the rarity add up to money. Coin collecting is not likely to go out of popularity any time soon. 

  • Depression glass: This is nice because it’s relatively affordable. 

  • Furniture: Antiques by Ark’s specializes in antique furniture. But show floor size is limited, so we have a discriminating eye for things that fit our overall ambiance. 

  • Paintings, big and small: Look for original art focused on topics people like and which have signatures. If there’s a story behind them, even better.

  • Stained glass: Stained glass windows without blemishes may surprise you in their value. The difficulty is keeping them safe from cracks and chips.

  • Tableware: That silver set lying untouched in a drawer could end up being quite valuable. Silver flatware with hallmarks on the back proves the piece is not silver-plated. Pick out a pattern and run with it.

  • Timepieces: Rare clocks fetch a pretty penny. Clocks and watches from a specific era, or those created in a recognizable style like Art Deco, often have unanticipated value. 

  • Vintage postcards: These evoke nostalgia. Again, this collection won’t break the bank, but you can find some older ones valued at $150 or more. 


An item must be 100 years old or older comes under the label of being antique, while younger pieces are vintage. 

On the Hunt for Pawn Shop Antiques

No matter what you seek, be it jewelry or milk jugs, there are some protocols to follow. You want to authenticate items and then negotiate their price accordingly. Perhaps the most important rule is self-education. Do your research before setting one foot outside your door. Take notes, and your cellphone if you want to go back to pertinent information.

Pawn Shops rely heavily on their reputation, so they work very hard to authenticate pieces. Nonetheless, knowing value is a big ace in your pocket. Your local antique shop may not have the expertise of a pawn shop’s appraiser. They certainly can’t offer as great a variety as the pawnbroker.

Cash Express and Antiques by Ark’s

Our company takes pride in having one-of-a-kind pieces from all over the world. We would love to help you find that special item to add to your collection. Give us a call to ask about certain collectibles (215-922-1560). You can also email us and use our online contact form. Even if we don’t have what you want now, we can be on look out and let you know.

Posted by: AT 04:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Cash Express  • Philadelphia Pawn Shop

731 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 -  (215) 922-1560