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Monday, August 28 2023
Pawn Shop Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

In the heart of Philadelphia, you walk past a store that's been the epicenter of countless whispers, old wives' tales, and misconceptions. A golden opportunity or a den of thieves? A place of financial relief or the last resort? 

The façade reads "Cash Express," your local, friendly pawn shop. Curiosity teases you, but hesitation restrains you. It's time to dispel the fog of myths and unveil the truth about pawn shops.

Myth 1: Pawn Shops Are Sketchy and Unsafe

Picture a pawn shop. Did your mind conjure up a dimly lit, grimy outpost teetering on the edge of the law? If so, you're not alone. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Modern-day pawn shops like Cash Express have evolved to be well-lit, welcoming establishments that adhere to local and state laws.

They're run by professionals who prioritize customer service and safety. In fact, pawn shops are among the most regulated businesses, overseen by not only state and local laws but also federal statutes. This ensures they maintain a high standard of operation that secures the interest of customers.

Myth 2: Pawn Shops Are Havens for Stolen Goods

Hollywood crime dramas might have you believe that pawn shops are the go-to places for offloading stolen items. However, the reality is starkly different. The pawn industry operates within a strict legal framework.

Cash Express, like all reputable pawn shops, requires government-issued identification for all transactions. Every item pawned or sold is meticulously documented, with its description, serial number, and the seller's information reported to local law enforcement. 

This level of scrutiny discourages criminals from trying to pawn stolen goods and ensures pawn shops are upstanding members of the community.

Myth 3: Pawn Shops Are Anxious to Seize Your Items

One of the most enduring myths is that pawn shops are eager to possess your items. On the contrary, pawn shops make their living primarily from extending loans and collecting interest, not from selling forfeited items.

When customers pay back their loans with interest, the pawnbroker makes a profit, and the customer gets their item back—everyone wins. The aim is to help customers retrieve their items. This encourages repeat business, which is more valuable in the long run than selling off forfeited items.

Myth 4: Pawn Shops Undervalue Your Items

Another common misconception is that pawnbrokers will intentionally lowball your items' value. In reality, pawn shops, like Cash Express, rely on expert appraisers who evaluate items based on their current market value, condition, and resale potential.

Sure, a pawn shop has to offer a price that allows them to turn a profit, but they also have to ensure customers feel they're getting a fair deal. It's a balance that reputable pawn shops maintain to keep their doors open and customers satisfied.


Like any industry, pawn shops have their share of myths and misconceptions. By debunking these common myths, we hope to shed some light on the reality of pawnbroking, highlighting the invaluable service these establishments provide to many people.

So, why not experience it for yourself? Whether you need a quick loan or are looking for a unique item, feel free to walk through the doors of Cash Express at 731 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Experience first-hand the truth behind the pawnbroking industry. 

And if you have any doubts or questions, just get in touch with us prior to coming in!


Posted by: AT 12:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 14 2023
What You Need to Know Before Visiting a Pawn Shop: A Beginner's Guide


In the shimmering twilight of Philadelphia, you discover an heirloom gathering dust in your attic. You feel it could be your ticket to some much-needed cash. 

However, the world of pawn shops can seem daunting to a beginner, a labyrinthine market filled with antiques, precious metals, and diamond-encrusted wonders. 

Here, with Cash Express, your trusted pawn broker, we aim to guide you into the heart of this enthralling world, armed with knowledge and confidence.

1. Understand the Value of Your Item

This first step is fundamental. Research, appraisals, and consultations are integral in understanding your item's worth. The internet is your friend here. Auction sites, antique databases, and collectors' forums can offer insights into current market prices. 

Local appraisers provide a more hands-on, detailed analysis. This knowledge won't just aid you in negotiating a fair price; it will arm you with the confidence to step into the pawn shop, aware of the potential opportunities lying within your keepsake.

2. Pawn or Sell? Decide Ahead of Time

Pawn shops offer two distinct services: pawning and selling. Pawning means getting a loan with your item as collateral. You receive instant cash, and there's the possibility of reclaiming your item once you repay the loan. 

Selling, on the other hand, involves a direct trade of your item for money. Your needs should guide this decision. If your item has sentimental value or you believe its worth might increase over time, pawning could be the best route. 

But if you're seeking a larger immediate payout and aren't concerned about retrieving the item, selling outright might be your path.

3. Prepare Your Item

A bit of shine and sparkle can go a long way. Clean items command higher prices, as they present well to prospective buyers. Whether it's a piece of jewelry, a high-end watch, or an antique item, ensuring it's in the best possible condition can enhance its appeal. 

For delicate or older items, professional cleaning is advisable to prevent inadvertent damage. After all, first impressions count, and presenting your item at its best could significantly improve the final offer.

4. Expertise Matters

In the world of pawnbroking, expertise can make a significant difference in the value you get from your item. At Cash Express, our brokers specialize in a wide array of valuable items such as jewelry, watches, and high-end pieces. 

Our proficiency extends to antiques, diamonds, precious metals, and other expensive items. By choosing a pawn shop with relevant expertise, you ensure a fair and accurate assessment, securing a deal that mirrors the true worth of your item.

5. Negotiate

Engage with confidence in the art of negotiation. Armed with your research, present your case. Remember, your researched price isn't a final number, but a starting point. Flexibility can facilitate a more successful negotiation. 

Approach the discussion with an open mind, stay patient, and keep your end goal in sight. A well-negotiated deal is usually a win-win for both parties involved.

6. Understand the Terms

Before you seal the deal, grasp the terms thoroughly. If you're pawning, know the loan period, interest rates, and the retrieval process. There are federal regulations that have to be followed.

When selling, understand the shop's policies about unsold items. If anything seems unclear, ask. It's crucial you feel comfortable with all terms before you part with your precious item.

Visit Us Today

With this guide, you're now ready to navigate the fascinating world of pawnshops. From that dusty attic find to the welcoming smile at Cash Express, each step can bring you closer to unlocking hidden treasures. 

So, why wait? Visit us at Cash Express today at 731 Chestnut St. Our friendly and expert team is ready to guide you on this journey. Located in the heart of Philadelphia, we're proud to offer a seamless, rewarding experience in pawnbroking. 

Unlock the value of your valuables, and experience the thrill of turning hidden treasures into quick cash today. And if you have any questions before visiting, just reach out! 

Posted by: AT 12:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 28 2023
Pawn Shop Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for a Positive Experience

Every business has some underlying “do and don’t” structure. As the number one pawn broker in Philadelphia for Quick Cash. Cash Express sees people make mistakes all the time. Let’s face it, you won’t see a class on pawning in college. So, your best bet is to get some “inside” information. 

Some pawnshop etiquette is common sense, however. Primarily remember to be polite. Just because you’re in a pawnshop doesn’t mean it’s ‘seedy.’ Having an arrogant attitude or being combative won’t work here. In fact, it might get you kicked out. This advice applies to people who have come to buy or sell.

It is one thing to be firm and another altogether to come across as belligerent or disrespectful. Those negative attitudes impact your offer. Or, the shop owner may decide it’s not worth the frustration to go through the process, especially if it seems you won’t be happy no matter the outcome.

Helps and Hints for Pawning Items

When you bring an item to a pawnbroker, prepare yourself ahead of time. It is highly unlikely you will get full market value. Besides the fact that the shop needs to make a profit, there are other reasons the price may be less than expected. 

For example, you might have a high-end watch, but it needs repair. That repair impacts your offer, as it is figured into the equation. Then too, there may be noticeable wear, making the item a little harder to sell than a pretty shiny thing.

There may be some wiggle room, and it can’t hurt to try, remembering that most brokers hope to buy at half the retail value. But this exchange, too, should be civil. Remember, you can always decline and try your luck elsewhere.

Hop on the internet and take a look at items similar to yours. It will give you a feel for the average price of the item you hope to sell. Don’t be disappointed if you find your treasure isn’t quite the pot of gold you hoped. There are many “knock-off” products in the market, and yours may be one. 

Nonetheless, you will have some financial range in mind. Now, most pawn shops like Cash Express have appraisers on hand who have vast amounts of data from which they create an offer. If you feel it’s not fair, explain why. 

You are under no obligation to explain where you found the item or what you paid for it. The item may have far more (or less) value than the original purchase price. This is more a tactic than a note about ethics, but it’s a good approach. Besides, at the end of the day, it’s the broker’s job to determine values and offers. Once you have the first offer, haggle from there.

It is perfectly acceptable to realize the negotiation is not going to end where you hope. At this point, you can say, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep it for now.” Or, you can determine the lowest price you’ll accept. If that price is nowhere in the ballpark of the offer, save everyone some time and politely decline.

What are your options if you walk? Well, you can try an auction house. Or sell it on eBay. Perhaps in the end, you’ll hold on to it for another day.

The Cash Express Experience

Cash Express specializes in high-end pieces, precious metals and stones, jewelry, and watches. Our staff are approachable and helpful. Contact us today by calling 215-922-1560 or by using our online form.


Posted by: AT 03:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 14 2023
The Benefits of Shopping at a Pawn Shop: Finding Hidden Gems and Saving Money

Cash Express is your number-one Pawn Shop in Philadelphia when you’re looking for a special or unique gift. Our store has everything from watches and rings to musical instruments and hand tools. Sometimes people find the idea of going to a pawn shop offputting. There’s no reason to feel uncomfortable. We have professional staff who greet you with a smile.

Advantages of Shopping at a Pawn Store

If you’re coming to a pawn shop to sell an item or put it on loan, the process is easy. There are no lengthy bank processes or paperwork. You also don’t have to wait for your money.


Pawn shops are often open more hours than regular stores, meaning you can go after work. Every day their inventory changes to some degree. So, if you find there’s nothing you want on Thursday, try stopping by on Monday.


Selling your item gives you more in your wallet, and you may want to shop right there for other goods! If you’ve noticed a few things that catch your eye, bring them up during your sale. You may be able to trade, sometimes by adding a little money, or you may get cash back.


Pawning an item for a loan means giving it up for a while to help with quick cash. As long as you repay the loan on time, you get it back. However, the pawnbroker can move it into inventory if you don't. For this reason, we highly advise against pawning family heirlooms or goods that have sentimental value.

Option vs. a Conventional Loan

When a person’s credit score is bad, it becomes difficult to obtain a loan unless you’re willing to pay an excessive amount of interest. Here, at Cash Express, there are no credit checks. We base our loan on the item’s value instead. Pawnshops also typically offer far lower interest rates than banks or other loaning establishments.

Repayment Terms Offer Flexibility

You chose the pace at which you can comfortably repay the loan. If you find you can’t pay on time, the shop may let you extend the loan period as long as you provide small, good-faith payments. Everything is confidential.

Discovering Worth

If you’ve never had an appraisal on your item,  you can get one now. However, that price is higher than what you receive, so the shop can profit.

Your Invitation to Cash Express

We would love to help you with your choices of items or finding the best approach to your loan. If you’re selling, we are always in the market for jewelry, gems, watches, antiques, precious metals, musical instruments, cameras, and electronics. You can always call us ahead of time to see if we’re in the market for what you have.

Our highly trained professionals provide accurate appraisals. We also have a fantastic staff whose mission is to make you feel comfortable. 

Contact us:

Telephone - 215-922-1560


Our Online Form: 


Posted by: AT 03:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 28 2023
Pawn Shop Sustainability and How it's a Good Business for U.S.


The idea of trading goods for cash is nothing new. Merchants around the world, for thousands of years, accepted both labor and items in lieu of money or paid outright for a treasure. Pawning is a type of recycling goods contributing to a circular economy. It’s also a fast way for people to obtain cash.

Don’t Throw it Out!

Pawnshops are on the lookout for merchandise in good condition. This extends the usable life of each item. When people buy gently used goods they not only save money but keep those items out of landfills. Additionally, shopping at a pawnshop reduces the carbon footprint. The item has already been manufactured!

The sustainability of pawnshops like Cash Express appeals to shoppers. From an environmental perspective, there’s a lot of attention on the “throwaway economy.” Clothing is one example. While some may donate, others often just toss perfectly good belongings in the bin. Many individuals, particularly Gen Z, want sustainability and support companies like pawnshops that have resale options. 

Pawnshops Help Businesses Grow

Some people who have high-end valuable items pawn them for quick collateral. They can then use the money to support a start-up, secure a patent, get a delivery vehicle, and prepare for an immediate expansion, just to name a few. Luxury goods rank highly on the list of items pawnshops buy regularly. Many times affluent entrepreneurs have a tidy treasure in their closets, display cases, and dotted around the home.

So, if a business person has an opportunity they need to latch on to quickly, taking a trip to the pawnshop makes perfect sense. Getting large loans from a traditional avenue takes time. Meanwhile, the window for closing a deal is short. 

At Cash Express in Philadephia, we think of these transactions as “opportunity loans.” We become involved in our community’s growth. Additionally, these exchanges illustrate the idea of pawning being only for the poor or desperate is quite untrue.  

Pawnshop Sustainability and Shopping

When people prefer to purchase goods yet avoid retail shopping, they think of resale! A pawnshop is an ideal location to peruse goods. And the variety of options makes the experience exciting. You may find your first idea wasn’t the best when you stumble on that “perfect” gift, for example. 

One area where pawnshops really shine is antiques. Some of these items have historical value, and as a pawnshop buys them, they help keep that history alive. There are interesting and unique goods from which to choose. And, not all antiques are expensive. You’d be surprised by some of the great prices you can get. 

The Cash Express Experience

When you come into our store to sell something, we have appraisers on-site to ensure the value of your goods. Now, remember you won’t get the full amount, but you will walk out with money in your pocket. Not all pawn exchanges are loans, either. You can just sell things you no longer want outright. If you’re not sure you have something we’d want, just call ahead at 215-922-1560 and ask!

You can also contact us online or by email at Become part of the effort to reuse and recycle instead of just throwing things away. Pawnshops are sustainable and good for the US economy.

Posted by: AT 10:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 14 2023
What Decides Pawn Shop Prices

When you watch a pawn shop show or go to sell something in person, you may wonder how companies like Cash Express in Philadelphia, PA, figure out their pricing. Understanding the process will help you when you are trying to buy or exchange an item for fast cash.

The Appraisal

Many pawn shops have specialized people to appraise specific items as they come in. Examples would be jewelry and antiques. The price of an appraisal depends on many things.

  • How sellable is your item based on previous shop sales

  • The current stock of similar items

  • Reviewing market value

  • Quality and condition

Bundle all these together, and voila, a price!

The “Blue Book” for Pawn Pricing

For quite some time, pawnbrokers had to use a printed book to check baseline values. Thankfully, now they can use internet databases for comparative pricing.  Since the market for various goods changes all the time, having a current summary helps both the pawnbroker and you!

Some storefronts have chosen to create their own reference, kept in the shop’s computer. This is basically “personalize” for the establishment and acts as a helpmate for staff. Within their database, the broker can include a list of what to do before trying to judge the condition of an item. For example, collectors’ pieces have a greater value if they have provenance proving their authenticity. 

Perusing Provenance:

When buying or selling, being able to prove its history can change everything value-wise. The best provenance is having original documents of ownership or a certificate of authenticity. Receipts, exhibition labels, and auction documents are all similarly helpful. 

Expert Consultation 

When a pawnbroker or their staff doesn’t have experience in an item or its worth, they reach out to specialist consultants. Most pawn shops have a list of people they regularly use for various goods like guns and autographs. That individual will give the broker an amount, and you would obviously receive less than that so the shop can make a profit. 

Desirous Items

If you have more than one pawnbroker in the area, like Cash Express, each has its own feel, a personality, if you will. Pawn brokers pick and chose what they want in their store. Some might be experts in antiques (Antiques by Ark’s) but rarely carry modern tools, for example. If you’re not certain about what you should bring to get fast cash, give them a call and ask. It will save you time and frustration.

When a pawnbroker has a list of sought-after goods, and what you own is on that list, you’ll likely get a better deal. In general, brokers are always looking for:

  • Curios and heirlooms

  • Electronics

  • Game consoles

  • Home appliances

  • Musical instruments

  • Sports gear

  • Tools

  • Watches

On the other hand, you may be out of luck if you are trying to pawn a television, camera, computer, or smartphone. The technology in such times rapidly improves, decreasing how the pawn shop can price them.

Cash Express Prices

Besides having trained, friendly staff, Cash Express prices quick cash loans reasonably. We are the number one pawn shop in Philadelphia for a reason-people trust us. And we offer a wide variety of goods if you are looking to buy.

Use our online contact form to open a conversation. Our phone number is 215-922-1560. And if you prefer, email the address is

Posted by: AT 10:41 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 28 2023
Pawn Shop vs. Garage Sale

When you’re looking for affordable items or want to get rid of some of your clutter, you may wonder about the best route to go. There are distinct differences between a pawn shop and a garage sale. Once you have more information, you can make the best choice for your situation.

The Garage Sale

Alternative names for a garage sale include a yard sale, a moving sale, and an estate sale. No matter the name, this is a way to either sell the things you no longer want or need. You can also find a bargain there.


As you probably know from seeing garage sales in your travels, they are not “organized” events vs. a Pawn Shop’s display, like ours at Cash Express. Buyers must be willing to comb through the good, looking for treasures. Some people make a whole day of foraging with a friend.


To get the best deals at a garage sale:

  • Bundling. A seller is likely to give you a deal on several items vs. one. Say the seller has books for $1 each. If you buy ten, you can offer $7-8 for the bundle.
  • Keep count of prices. It’s much easier to negotiate when you know the total of the goods heaped in your arms.
  • Offer less than you are willing to pay. This gives you wiggle room in the bargaining process.
  • Don’t become attached. If you can’t reach a reasonable price, prepare to walk away. For example, if someone is selling a dining room table for $300 and you know full well you could buy something similar for the same price, why buy used? You offer $150, and they won’t budge much over $50; you’re better off buying new.



Sellers must be ready to watch the goods all day long, have change on hand, and answer questions. Sometimes you have to haggle (it’s part of the fun). To garner excitement about your fete, check local newspapers, as some will carry an ad for your event. Signs and flyers are an alternative, but always ask before you put them up.


Not everything you want to rid yourself of has value, so consider that in choosing what to offer. A slightly smaller garage sale lets people see more of what you laid out. You don’t have to mark each item. Let a buyer make an offer. You might be surprised.

Pawn Shop vs. Garage Sale

If you are selling at a garage sale, you don’t have the option of pawning an item as a temporary way of getting cash fast.  There are probably items in your home that you could pawn when money gets tight. With a storefront, you don’t have to worry about the weather and can find what you want far quicker.


You won’t want to take dozens of items into a pawn shop, so focus on things that have a higher value. At Cash Express, we typically seek gems, jewelry, antiques, collectibles, electronics, coins, and designer clothing/accessories. If you want a loan vs. selling the item outright, avoid sentimental items if you cannot repay your loan on time.


At a garage sale, there is no opportunity to have your higher-priced items appraised. You may sell something way under value. At our pawn shop, our professionals can provide accurate pricing. Fairness matters. So you can buy, sell, trade, or pawn your item knowing you are working with great prices and quality goods.

How can We Help You?

Cash Express is the number one pawn shop in Philadelphia, PA. We pride ourselves in serving our customers promptly, with a positive attitude. We have expertise in antiques, diamonds, and precious metals.


Want more information? Use our online contact form or:


By Phone: (215) 922-1560

Through Email:

Posted by: AT 02:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 14 2023
Do Pawn Shops Buy Gold?

The price of gold goes up and down, sometimes dramatically. When the price is high, you may start thinking about collecting the gold you have and taking it to a pawn shop. But do pawn shops buy gold?


The answer is a resounding YES. Jewelry and precious golds are two things for which pawn shops are always on the lookout. And when we speak about gold, we’re not just taking raw pieces. Rather, anything that contains gold may prove quite valuable. At Cash Express, we’ll even evaluate scraps.

Looking for Pawn Shops

Once you gather your gold, what’s next? There’s no question you can get fast cash at a Pawn Shop but do your research. It’s time to see what pawnbrokers are in your area. Right now, before you go any further, check out customer reviews and Better Business Ratings.

Taking a Look-See

Pop into a few of the shops you’re considering using. There are some benefits to taking this time. For one, you can observe the level of customer service received. You can also look at items similar to yours in the showcase. What are the prices? You won’t get retail for your goods, but you at least know where to start.


Pawn shops have a bad rap as dark corner spots where slippery individuals hang out. The modern pawnbroker, like Cash Express, offers a bright, clean storefront with friendly staff properly trained in their job. The broker should have appraisers on sight so you can find out what your treasure is worth right away. If you don’t like the offer, you can simply turn it down. There is no pressure for you to accept an amount with which you feel uncomfortable.


Ultimately, you want to have a sense you can trust the pawn shop and its personnel to treat you fairly.

What about Gold Buyers?

The main difference between a gold buyer and a pawn shop is the gold buyer must stick to certain sales standards. A pawnbroker has wiggle room in what they pay you. Additionally, gold buyers are picky about what they buy, normally staying away from broken scraps altogether.

Gold buyers tend to do a lot more advertising to buy your gold. They might do television ads, bus ads; you name it. They do all of this advertising, but they generally are a little pickier about what gold they buy. They tend to stay away from any old and broken scraps of gold.

Real Gold vs. Gold Plated

Pawnshops tend to veer away from gold-plated items. On average, a gold-plated item contains only .05% actual gold. It would take a lot of plated and effort to achieve any sort of profit from these pieces. So don’t be offended if we test your gold. Some gold is fake, too!

Cash Express: We Buy Gold

Our mission is to offer our Philadelphia, PA, customers the best deal possible. You will receive professional attention and information that will help you understand what we base our offers. You can fill out our online form beforehand to see if your items are those we currently are buying (saves a trip).

Alternatively, you can call us at 215-922-1560 or Email:

Posted by: AT 02:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 28 2023
Looking for a Loan Without Credit? Consider Pawn Shops

Life happens. You have unanticipated medical bills, and the heater breaks down, you need a plumber, etc. However, your bank account is wanting. You need quick cash, and the process of getting a bank loan takes forever. If you are looking for a loan without credit, consider pawn shops like Cash Express in Philadelphia, PA.

Bad or No Credit? No Problem!

Getting a pawn loan is a quick way to get money. There is no credit check. How much you can get from a loan depends on the value of the item(s) you bring for consideration once the pawnbroker determines your property’s value and offers you a loan amount. By the way, there is wiggle room. Some pawnbrokers will listen to counteroffers.

What Should You Pawn?

Some pawn shops have a specialized focus, like Cash Express’ antique line. But we also have a general store. As you look around your valuables, there are specific things most pawn shops want. These include jewelry, collectibles, video game supplies, certified autographs, gemstones, designer goods, precious metals, home goods, electronics, collectible coins, and even cars, just to name a few. Having said that, remember, if you default on your pawn loan, the store can put it into their inventory, so you may not want to pawn that broach from old Aunt Aggie. Take into account sentimental attachments.


When you go to the pawn shop, there is one, if not more, expert appraisers who look things over. You probably have a number in mind in terms of the quick cash you need. The pawnbroker will make an offer that you can accept, decline, or try and haggle.


If you’re looking for a loan without credit, pawning your item is a great option. But, like any transaction, do a little research beforehand. See if you can find values online, for example, and check the store's rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Watch Out for Interest Rates

Because you getting an immediate payout on your loan, many brokers have high interest rates. On average, you may see 20-25% monthly (ouch!). Make sure you get the details from the store you choose. The sticker shock can be hefty.


Once you receive the loan, you will have a set amount of time in which to repay it. Many state laws dictate the limits on interest rates and the duration of the loan.

The Cash Express Difference

Cash Express is the premier pawn shop in Philadelphia, where you can get cash fast. Our specialty is high-end pieces, including jewelry, precious metals, and antiques. You will find friendly faces waiting for you at the counters who can explain more about the process.


If you wish, you can use our online contact form to find out if we are buying the types of items you wish to sell. You can also call our Philadelphia store at 215–922-1560 or email us at We look forward to giving you a helping hand when you most need it.

Posted by: AT 02:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 14 2023
Quick Cash In Philadelphia, PA: Pawn Your Items

If you are looking for quick cash in Philadelphia, PA, have you considered pawning your items? It’s certainly faster than getting a loan at the bank. A pawn shop offers you a short-term loan based on the item’s value that you are pawning. If you pay that loan on time, you receive your item(s) back. If not, the pawn shop can sell the items. Should you not be worried about getting your property back, you can also sell it outright.


Factoid: Pawn shops have a history going back some 3,000 years. In some ways, they’re a mini-bank. There are over 12,000 pawn shops in the United States alone. In the shop, you can not only sell or get a loan on your item, but you can also go shopping!

Pawn Shop Advantages

Pawn shops, like Cash Express, have advantages you may not have considered. Do you have bad credit? No problem; pawn shops don’t care. And unlike other purchases, if you are late on paying off your loan, it doesn’t hit your credit rating. Then too, you get your money on the spot. Pawning is, indeed, a quick cash transaction that can provide immediate financial relief.


Pawn shops charge high-interest rates, which are regulated by the states. Plus, they do not give you the total value of your transaction. On average, it ranges from 20%-60%. So, if something is appraised at $1,000, your take is $250-$600. The money may tide you over, but the sooner you repay the loan, the better. Generally, a loan from a pawn shop lasts 90-130 days.

What to Choose?

At Cash Express, there are certain items on which you can get better loans. We are almost always looking for


  • Bikes
  • Electronics
  • Gaming Equipment
  • Gold and silver
  • Jewelry
  • Phones
  • Power tools
  • Registered firearms
  • Sporting goods
  • Watches


Good to excellent-condition items are the best choices. Also, consider what’s popular in collectors' items (like Beanie Babies).


Please take a moment and think about what you want to pawn for a loan. Can you live without it if you don’t pay back the loan on time?

What About Antiques?

Small antiques fare better than large items (there is only so much room on the showroom floor). Cash Express has special way of buying and selling techniques. Welcome to Ark Antiques! It is the best destination for pawning antiques and truly unique pieces. We’d love to see your items.


Cash Express Advantage


When you are considering getting quick cash in Philadelphia, PA, we are happy to help. Our professionals understand the choice of pawning an item can be stressful. It’s our job to walk you through the process with ease. You can use our online contact form to find out if your property is something we’re looking for right now (saves you a trip). You can also email us at, or call our office at 215-922-1560.


Posted by: AT 11:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Cash Express  • Philadelphia Pawn Shop

731 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 -  (215) 922-1560